Project SHINE Logo.The words "Project S.H.I.N.E.  over an image of a cartoon carrot.  At the bottom has text "Shaping Healthy Impressions with Nutrition and Exercise followed by Van Buren Intermediate School District

What is Project SHINE?

Project SHINE is a nutrition education program that serves more than 5,000 students throughout Southwest Michigan to increase our students' consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and physical activity levels from their beginning personal baselines at the start of the program.

How does it work?

Project SHINE uses the six-class series format that incorporates evidence-based and best practice literacy-focused nutrition intervention that includes: Literacy-based nutrition lessons, Nutrition-themed book readings, Food tastings, Movement activities, Hands-on student activities and parent engagement components.

What makes it unique?

  • Collaboration:

    • Project SHINE effectively collaborates with eight other intermediate School Districts or Regional Educational Services Agencies throughout Southwest Michigan to serve the students in our respective regions, fully supporting the Governor's Prosperity Region Initiative.

  • Incorporation:

    • Project SHINE also successfully incorporates science, technology, engineering, arts and math, student mentoring, student leadership, and a host of student-led projects into our program.

  • Partnerships:

    • Through our innovative partnerships with business and industry, government agencies, regional school districts, faith-based organizations, and communities, Project SHINE is positively transforming the lives of students, families, schools, and communities.

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10 students holding empty paper plates in a classroom.  This is to show the clean plate club members.