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Adriene Davis
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 674-8091

Breanna Sambiagio
Mental Health Clinician
Instructional Services

Bianca Deckard
Accounting Specialist
Conference Center
(269) 674-8091

Megan DelaCruz
Physical Therapist
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043

Sue Dent-Rhodes
Cosmetology Instructor
Van Buren Tech

Rebecca DePas
Director of Finance and Operations
Business Office
(269) 539-5204

Benita Desantiago
Program Assistant
Maple Creek Education Center
(269) 427-7961

Sonya DeVary
Family Educator
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5214

Tim DeVary
Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Van Buren Tech

Brian Devries
Special Ed Teacher
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043

Jacob Devries
Program Assistant
(269) 539-5043

Elisabeth Dewey
School Social Worker

Joseph DeYoung
Occupational Therapist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091

Heidi Diaz
Regional Special Education Supervisor
(269) 674-8091

Gwendolyn Doneruse
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5214

Lisa Doorlag
Bus Aide
(269) 539-5001

Kara Duffy
Human Resources Generalist
Business Office
(269) 674-8091

Destiny Dullock
SE Teacher
Early Care and Education
(269) 415-5732

Mackenzie Dunbar
Teacher Resource Room
Community-based Transition Center

Dawnne Duncan
Program Assistant RR
Bert Goens Learning Center