Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Samantha Gomez
Teacher Migrant / ESL
Elliot Gonzalez
Summer Migrant Teacher
Jessica Goodrode
Bus Driver
(269) 539-5001
David Goward
(269) 674-8091
Kara Graham
Spec Beh Interv Prgm
(269) 674-8091
Whitney Grant
School Social Worker
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
April Gray
Bus Driver
(269) 539-5001
Phoenicia Green
Regional Special Education Supervisor
(269) 674-8091
Greg Greenfield
Mental Health Clinician
Instructional Services
(269) 539-5432
David Greiner
Accounting Specialist
Conference Center
Carolyn Gundy
School Psychologist
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043
Angie Gutierrez
Administrator of Multilingual & Migrant Services
Migrant/Multilingual Education
(269) 539-5040
Zenia Gutierrez
Migrant/ESL Teacher
Migrant/Multilingual Education
(269) 674-8091
Jazmin Guzman
GSRP Lead Teacher
Early Care and Education
(269) 621-7308
Lindsey Hallgren
GSRP Lead Teacher
Early Care and Education
(269) 236-5235
Veronica Hansen
Specialized Program Assistant
Van Buren Tech
Veronica Hansen
Adult ESL Teacher Assistant
Instructional Services
(269) 539-5432
Angela Hanson
Bus Driver
(269) 539-5001
Katherine Harman
Speech/Language Pathologist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Michael Harrell
Specialized Maintenance Tech