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Shannah Horsfall
Program Assistant
Special Education
(269) 674-8091

Renee Hostetler
Nutrition Educator-Project SHINE
Instructional Services
(269) 539-5432

Haley Hough
Special Program Assistant
Special Services

Sunny Hudson
Assistant Supervisor
(269) 539-5001

Crystal Hughes
Mental Health Clinician
Instructional Services

Tyler Hunt
IT Support Specialist
Technology Services

Larissa Hunt
College Coordinator
Van Buren Tech

Kristi Hyder
Interpreter for the DHH
Special Education
(269) 674-8091

Kelli Irish
Literacy Coach/Consultant
Instructional Services
(269) 539-5432

Emma Israel
(269) 674-8091

Dawn Janecke
Special Ed Program Assistant
Community-based Transition Center
(269) 399-1018

Christine Janssen
Nutrition Education Coordinator
Instructional Services
(269) 539-5432

Brenda Jarka
Special Ed Program Assistant
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043

Amy Jasso
Teacher Resource Room
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 674-8091

Craig Jeffers
Van Buren Tech Administrator
(269) 539-5339

Briana Johnson
Prgm Asst RR
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043

David Johnson
Maintenance Supervisor
(269) 674-8091

Jodi Johnson
Speech & Language Path

Michelle Johnson
Spec Beh Interv Prgm
(269) 674-8091

Tracy Johnson
Administrator/Dean of Students
Van Buren Tech