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Laurie Arboreal
Speech & Language Path
Special Services
Rebecca Archenbach
Program Assistant
Special Services
(269) 674-8091
Ursula Armourillo
GSRP Lead Teacher
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5214
Emily Ashley
Teacher GSRP Associate
Special Services
Anna Austin
Regional Special Education Supervisor
Special Education
(269) 415-5406
Darcie Austin
Specialized Instructional Assistant
Van Buren Tech
Josh Avery
Culinary Arts Instructor
Van Buren Tech
Stephanie Bahr
School Psychologist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Christina Bailey
Special Ed Teacher
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043
Sean Baker
Building Maintenance
(269) 539-5043
Beth Baker
Special Ed Consultant
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Meghan Baldiga
Program Assistant
Bert Goens Learning Center
Erin Baldwin
Speech/Language Pathologist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Elizabeth Balk
Speech/Language Pathologist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Karen Barker
(269) 539-5001
Mary Barkholz-Ingber
Special Ed Teacher
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043
Andrew Barnes
Cyber Security Instructor
Van Buren Tech
Lisa Bartlett
GSRP Floater
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5214
Jayne Bartz
Home Visiting Supervisor
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5222
Stephanie Bazan
Special Ed Teacher
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043