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Stephanie Schuman
Special Ed Program Assistant
(269) 674-8091
Katelyn Segur
School Social Worker
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Dawn Sexton
GSRP Lead Teacher
Early Care and Education
(269) 764-3700
Rhonda Sheehan
GSRP Lead Teacher
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5941
Dana Shepherd
Special Ed Teacher
Community-based Transition Center
(269) 399-1015
Allison Shockley
Accounting Specialist
Conference Center
Melissa R Shultz
School Social Worker
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Gabriella Shultz
Sports Med Instructor
Van Buren Tech
David Silva
Special Ed Program Assistant
(269) 427-7961
Katelynn Slater
Program Assistant RR
(269) 674-8091
Brian Smith
Special Ed Teacher
Community-based Transition Center
(269) 399-1018
Robert Smith
CTE Director
Van Buren Tech
Amy Sons
Prgm Asst RR
Community-based Transition Center
Jodi Sower
HR Administrative Assistant
Business Office
(269) 674-8091
Michael Spagnoli
Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Van Buren Tech
Becky Spettel
Special Ed Teacher
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Camryn Stacey
Program Assistant
Early Care and Education
(269) 539-5043
Graig Stacy
Behavior Interventionist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Amber Stacy
Behavior Interventionist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Mary Stap
Special Ed Consultant
Special Education
(269) 674-8091