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Forrest Ward
IT Support Specialist I
Technology Services
(269) 539-5343
Anna Weber
Instructional Specialist
Special Services
Kara Weberg
Grant Accountant
Conference Center
Alyssa Weeden
Bus Aide
(269) 539-5001
Megan Weinberg
Occupational Therapist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Danielle Wentworth
Educational Audiologist
(269) 539-5150
Rachel Westbrooks
Special Ed Program Assistant
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 539-5043
Richard Westbrooks
School Facilities & Maint
Macey Westerhoff
(269) 427-7961
Sarah Weston
(269) 674-8091
Dakota Whipple
Teacher GSRP Associate
Early Care and Education
Laurie White
Teacher Resource Room
Bert Goens Learning Center
(269) 674-8091
Victoria White
Speech/Language Pathologist
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Veronica Whitman
Finance & Curriculum Admin Assistant
Van Buren Tech
Matthew Whitman
Student Achievement Coach
Van Buren Tech
Amy Widenhofer
School Social Worker & McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison
Community-based Transition Center
(269) 674-8091
Lakayla Wiggins
Program Assistant
Maple Creek Education Center
Travis Wilcox
Mental Health Clinician
Instructional Services
(269) 539-5432
Matthew Wilger
Special Education
(269) 674-8091
Katina Wilson
Grant Accountant
Conference Center
(269) 674-8091